To be very realistic, the answer is yes. None of any contraceptive is 100% effective in preventing the pregnancy, and so is the pill. What are the factors that reduce the effectiveness of pill? If taken with proper care and ...

If you forgot taking your pill on-time, your next gesture depends upon following things: So, it is important to keep in mind that you are most likely to get pregnant. You may take following steps: Visit here for more detailed ...

Yes, there is a probability of conception if you had an intercourse during your period. It’s a common myth that you can’t conceive during periods if gets intimacy with your partner. However, reality may be different. Periods can decrease the ...

Are you searching for best available contraceptive pill? You may end up getting disoriented between plenty of brands and types of contraceptives present in the market. You can solve this puzzlement by weighing the pros and cons of some of ...

Majority of birth control options emphasize on women, causing a burden on their health and budget. However, except condoms and vasectomy, there are several options exist which are intended for males to avoid pregnancy.   Why male contraceptives should be considered?  ...